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Illegal Dumping in Veld Area

The intention in the greater landscape conservation, rehabilitation, design and construction of the nature reserve itself, is to preserve and protect the unique qualities of the Klipriviersberg landscape that is characterised by its openness, rolling landforms and indigenous vegetation.

The landscaping of the area immediately outside the boundary line of a Residences adjoining the Nature Area is allowed but prevailing Guidelines, Rules and Standards must be strictly adhered to as it forms part of the Department of Environment’s Record of Decision allowing the Estate to develop residential properties in a nature conservation proclaimed area. The maximum distance for any form of landscaping outside of Residence Boundaries is 10m from the palisade fencing. This area is referred to as the transitional zone.

No structures are to be built or placed in this area, including Tables, Chairs, Decks and Water Holes or Troughs etc. No form of any dumping is allowed in this area either.

With the good rainfall over December till March, the upkeep of gardens is challenging and same goes for weed control on sidewalks and the traffic circle paved areas.

It is with disgust that we observe that residents still illegally dump garden and other refuge/domestic waste in the natural areas right outside some houses and in some cases, people even drive out to remote areas of the veld to dump their garden waste. Some don’t even remove the waste from plastic bags it was originally in. This does not become compost without water and constant turning and mixture of soil. A process that many have little to no knowledge off. This type of dumping does just as much harm as dumping building rubble or any other garbage. It kills the vegetation and eco systems and leaves a trail of death and destruction.

Illegal dumping is not permitted on the estate, whether garden waste, building waste or domestic waste. Notices was sent to responsible residents requesting the removal illegal dumping outside their properties. Penalty fines will be issued if illegal dumping is not removed. It is our intention to pass much higher penalties for approval at the next annual general meeting to curb this type of transgressions.

Areas where dumping has mainly been found and cleared on a regular basis are shown in the map below.

Please be proud of our natural area not to dump your garden waste in it!

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