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Alien Vegetation

Invasive species in the natural area have been mapped and is in the process of being removed. This project is an ongoing project as each species has a particular season to be removed and thus all are removed at different times of the year.

The maps below show the total invasive species mapped by 15 November 2015 (left) and the current remaining species as on 21 November 2017 (right). The species mapped include Black wattle (green), PamPam Grass (pink), Prickly Pears (red), Queen of the night (yellow), Syringa (light blue) and White Populars (dark blue).

The next map is a map of newly identified invasive species on the estate. This map will shortly be updated once removal has been started. The species mapped (left) include Bgweed (purple) and Common Thorn Apple (orange) and the species mapped (right) includes all the newly identiefied and the remaining species.

Species Identified

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